About Orgonite
About The Artist
Shipping & Returns
KEB - 001 Shape AS : Infinite Possibilities, Joy, Healing and Personal Power
TOR - 001 Shape AS : Energy flow, Grounding, and Clearing the aura
Moon Stone Shape A : Peace, Friendship, Strength and Protection
TU-001 Shape A : Peace, Friendship, Strength and Protection
SAQ - 001 Shape A : Communication, Peace, Intuition and Spiritual Transformation
MA - 002 Shape B : Transformation, Protection and Strength
LAE - 001 Shape A : Awareness, Healing and Truth
LA - 001 Shape C : Awareness, Compassion and Truth
KS - 001 Shape A : Deep peace, Intuition, Align all chakras
BTA - 001 Shape A : Shield negative energies. Soothe emotional trauma
BI - 001 Shape A : Transformation, Courage and Strength
APT - 001 Shape A : Self confidence, Balance and Unconditional Love
ANP - 003 Shape B : High vibration, Joy, Peace and Love
ANP - 002 Shape A : High vibration, Joy, Peace and Love
ANP - 001 Shape A : High vibration, Joy, Peace and Love
ANLA - 003 Shape A : High vibration, Joy, Truth and Awareness
ANLA - 002 Shape B : High vibration, Joy, Truth and Awareness
ANLA - 001 Shape A : High vibration, Joy, Truth and Awareness
ANCM - 002 Shape A : High vibration, Joy, and Personal power
ANCM - 001 Shape A : High vibration, Joy, and Personal power